Umod-English Glossary

Umod-English Glossary


Abbreviations: af = affix; conj = conjunction; part = partitive plural; pl = plural; pp = postposition; sub = substantive; v = verb; mod = modifier; TCG = Tylnorak Cultural Glossary

aek [sub] land, ground. Also, nation. Often used to refer to land which can be used for growing crops or used to sustain a people. See Agom in TCG.

aekaed [sub] sea. Used to designate sea, as opposed to land.

-aen [af] Similar to a relative pronoun, used with verbal-adjectives. This affix also lenites or softens the last consonant (if applicable). Often translated as "one who," "that which," "those who," "he who," etc. Example: broek > broegaen "one who/that which proclaims."

aesh [pp] near, beside.

ailen [sub] gate, a guarded entrance. {Note: Originally referred to the mouth or opening of a cave.}

broek [v] speak, proclaim, shout, deliver news or commands.

brukh [sub] wish, desire, hope.

bur [v] protect, defend.

dolk [v] (to be) lost, to fail, (to be) dead. {Note: dolk refers to a state of being utterly lost, to have failed irrevocably, to have passed a point of no hope of success, to be unredeemable. See Dolganak in TCG.}

dor [sub] battle, righteous conflict, to be engaged in a noble cause.

ersi [v] (to be) strange, foreign. Also, (to be) unwanted. The word carries the sense of an "uninvited guest" or "invader."

fenaek [v] know, understand (in a deep way, not superficially).

froe [sub] serpent, wyrm. Sometimes translated as "dragon."

fyl [sub] light, day. Also a beacon (as in a light seen and followed from a distance). This is the word used when speaking of the opposite of night ("nok"). The Umod word for the period of time from sunrise to sunrise is grota.

-ga [af] A superlative affix. Often translated as "great." {Fylga = "The Great Beacon."}

ga-X-a [af] Diminutive affixes, both the prefix and suffix must be used and the first consonant must be lenited or softened (if possible). X here stands for the substantive being diminished. Often translated as "Little X." See Gahara in the TCG.

gar [sub] guardian, sentry.

groe [pp] on (the surface of something).

grota [sub. from ga-g(lenited to k)rot-a, "little cycle."] The time period from one sunrise to the next.

guld [sub. part. gyld, pl. gylnor] dwelling, house, home.

kraegaen [sub. From kraek-aen "that which cleaves"] A bladed weapon used for cleaving: sword, polearm, axe.

kraek [v] cleave, hack.

krot [sub] A cycle, a full turn, a complete rotation.

krysl [v] nourish, sustain, nurture. {Note: For example, a parent "krysl"'s a child. The name of the world, Kryslaen, literally means "that which nurtures and sustains."}

kyn [sub] house, clan, tribe. The descendants of an illustrious ancestor (Fylgakyn) or traditional inhabitants of a particular region (Aylenkyn).

mog [number] First ordinal number, first item in a list, "first."

mork [v] (to be) strong, vigorous,decisive, courageous.

mur [sub] stone, rock, building stones or blocks. Fylga's weapon Muraeskraegaen could be translated as Wall-cleaver, since "mur" are used to build walls and structures.

nok [sub] Night, as opposed to day.

ogdaev [sub] victory.

ogdolk [v] to know the way out of a desperate or hopeless situation, to be cunning. (See Ogdolgan)

olm [v] farm, tend plants. Also raise children.

-om [af] Genitive definite singular.

-on [af] Genitive definite plural.

shur [sub.] offering, sacrifice, gift (one that is freely given with no sense of reciprocation needed on the part of the receiver).

tong [sub.] hand; also the word for "four" (Tylnor have three fingers and one opposable digit).

tron [number] Cardinal number "three."

tuld [sub. part. tyld; pl. tylnor] nomad, "one whose home is not fixed."

um [sub] lord, god, ruler. {Note: The idea of "gods" in Tylnor mythology is that of exalted ones, different from mortals, but not completely. The word "um" to designate high government officials should not be seen as deifying them. With lordship comes responsibility, with "divine" lordship comes "divine" responsibility.}

umdaed [sub] A divine or royal council, that governs in general or is called for a specific purpose. See also dad.

yl [sub] cloak.

-yl [af] Causal singular definite.

ir [conj] A conjunction connecting two words into a "set." Often translated "and."

irk [sub & mod] north. Used in a definite sense, it can be The North. It can also be used to modify other substantives.

zol [sub] mountain, both a single mountain or a range of mountains.